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Book Review: BS/MD Programs: The Complete Guide
Category: Admissions
15 Aug

Book Review: BS/MD Programs: The Complete Guide

  • August 15, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. As an independent educational consultant, I am constantly reading and searching for books about niche programs that can help me in my practice. Todd Johnson’s book is definitely one of the most thorough and informative texts I have bought to date. There’s no fluff, just fact, and that’s exactly what..

11 Aug

Book Review: Right College, Right Price

  • August 11, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. As a independent educational consultant, I am constantly reading books about every aspect of the college admissions process. After all, my goal is to help families make the best decisions for their students by providing them with as much accurate information as possible, especially with regard to financial aid. Frank..

05 Aug

You Should Take the A.C.T. If…

  • August 5, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. What young person doesn’t dread the S.A.T.? The mere mention of its name creates anxiety for many, and for better or worse, it can determine who does and does not get into his or her dream school. What’s even worse than the S.A.T., however, is the fact that not everyone..

03 Aug

Do Campus Visits Matter?

  • August 3, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. This day in age, with the ubiquity of college guides, social media, and websites, it may seem like you don’t have to make a campus visit. After all, you can find a wealth of information in traditional media and online, from narrative descriptions of campus life, to photos, videos, and..

30 Jul

How Hiring an S.A.T. Tutor May Pay for Itself

  • July 30, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Many families bemoan the costs of standardized test prep courses and tutoring. After all, you can easily fork over hundreds or thousands of dollars to participate in a course or receive weekly private sessions. At the outset, this may seem like a lot of money; however, if your child is..

28 Jul

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Completely Trust Rankings

  • July 28, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Everyone wants the best for themselves and their family. That’s why we read reviews, seek expert advice, and measure our accomplishments against those of others. That’s also why so many college-bound students cling to U.S. News and World Report’s “Best College” rankings. After all, they tell us who provides a..

17 Jul

Is Community College Actually a Good Financial Choice?

  • July 17, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Common sense would seem to dictate that community colleges are the most economical choice for families looking to save money on Bachelor’s Degrees. After all, the average 2012-2013 tuition fees of $3,131 are generally lower than what students can borrow in federal Subsidized Direct Loans, which allot $3,500 for a..

14 Jul

Getting In and Getting Aid: Why Having Money Can Be a Competitive Advantage

  • July 14, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Many families worry about the negative impact that savings have on receiving financial aid. After all, both the federal government and individual institutions assess your and your child’s savings at high rates through their respective applications, the FAFSA and the C.S.S. Profile. As a result, many people deplete, or hide,..

08 Jul

A Cure for Test Anxiety

  • July 8, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. One Exam. Four Hours. The Rest of Your life. If you’re anything like most people, you dread the power of the standardized test. After all, not only do most college admissions committees use S.A.T. and A.C.T. scores to siphon off candidates, but financial aid officers also often implement them to..

05 Jul

How Many Applications Is Too Many?

  • July 5, 2013
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. By the summer between junior and senior years, most high school students have generated the list of colleges that they would like to apply to. Some have even finished their campus visits and are just waiting for the applications to come online. Others may just be getting started and wonder..