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What Do You Really Care About?
Category: College Matching
24 Jan

What Do You Really Care About?

  • January 24, 2023
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Adam Muri-Rosenthal, Ph.D. No college information session would be complete without a colorful Powerpoint peppered with grandiose value statements. Diversity! Sustainability! Intellectual excellence! If you’re bored yet, I get it: so am I. As a college consultant, I have a professional obligation to attend many such sessions, so allow me to share a rather..

17 Oct

Are Safety Schools Even “Safe” Anymore?

  • October 17, 2021
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Have you ever failed at something that you were pretty confident you’d achieve? Maybe it was your sports team losing to the worst team in the league, or maybe it was not being able to figure out a server’s tip, even though you were planning to leave 20% on a..

28 Sep

An Ivy Is Not for You If….

  • September 28, 2019
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By – Victoria Tillson Evans Time and again, students insist that they want to go a top-tier college. The prestige has a way of luring many to apply. While thousands of students have the academic credentials to get in, they lack some of the key personality traits that make an elite college a good choice...

23 May

4 Tips on What To Do When Admissions Rates Drop

  • May 23, 2018
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Boston College, down 5 points to 27% BU, down 3 points to 22%. Emory, down 3.5 points to 18.5% Harvard, down .62 points to 4.58% Tulane, down 3.5 points to 17.5% UCLA, down 2.1 points to 14%. Virginia Tech, down 17.4 points to 56% Face it. These numbers don’t make..

30 Apr

In College Admissions, Some Numbers Lie

  • April 30, 2017
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Numbers are supposed to be straightforward and easy to interpret. 2+2=4, 9>5, and a triangle’s angles always add up to 180 degrees. Yet, in the world of college admissions statistics, some numbers lie. Selective Colleges’ Early Rounds One of the biggest instances involves the country’s most selective colleges. I often..

01 Oct

The Six Myths and Facts of Financial Aid

  • October 1, 2016
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Time and again, families cheat themselves out of money and admissions opportunities, for the simple reason that they don’t understand how financial aid works. Rather than keep your child out of a top choice institution or set yourself up for a late retirement, learn the facts, so that you can..

20 Sep

Here’s Your Mantra to Tackle the College Admissions Process: A.C.E. I.T.

  • September 20, 2016
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. This article first appeared in The Huffington Post on September 18th, 2016. The college application process can bring out the worst in families, with its high stakes, countless unknowns, and a mountain of work to surmount. Kids procrastinate. Parents nag. Kids procrastinate some more. Parents nag some more – that..

03 Jul

In the news! The Out-of-State Applicant Advantage

  • July 3, 2016
  • Distinctive College Consulting

Are you wondering whether or not you’ll get an admissions advantage applying to an out-of-state public school? Check out this U.S. News and World Report article and Victoria’s contribution to it: http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/2016-06-13/out-of-state-enrollment-rises-at-state-flagship-universities