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Blog – College Dollars and Sense

10 Tips for “Pandemic Juniors”

  • Distinctive College Consulting
By Nora Lessersohn Junior year is supposed to be the year you really “come into your own” as a high school student. Normally, you could excel in clubs or sports, in the classroom, and at summer programs…

What Does Test Optional Really Mean?

  • Distinctive College Consulting
By Victoria Tillson Evans, Ph.D. Over a half century ago, while Jimi Hendrix riffed “The Star Spangled Banner” at legendary Woodstock, another group of people were making a countercultural decision…

Don’t Be Scared To Be Creative

  • Distinctive College Consulting
By – Nora Lessersohn This admissions cycle, as COVID-19 has forced over 55% of colleges to go “test optional,” “test flexible,” or “test blind,” you will need other parts of your application…

Why Your Intended Major Matters

  • Distinctive College Consulting
By Nora Lessersohn, A.M. Unlike most high school students, I knew exactly what I wanted to study in college: Religion. I indicated this on all my college applications, and when I got to campus I never…