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The Most Readable College Guide on Earth

Stairway to College Heaven

The college planning and application process is not an impenetrable mystery. The sooner you understand how it works, the sooner you can empower your child to make informed college decisions.

4 Reasons to Read This Book

You'll save your relationship with your teenager

Are you worried that college applications will strain your relationship with your child? The nag-withdraw-fight cycle is not inevitable! Once you understand the application process, you’ll be ready to offer effective guidance and support.

Your friends will admire how calm you are

Fear of the unknown might be normal, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful, especially when it comes to college applications. This book will turn your stress levels down by showing you how to help your kid tackle everything from the college list to the application essays.

You'll help your child become the person they are meant to be

The college application process isn’t just about getting into awesome colleges. It’s also an opportunity to discover what your child cares about, what he or she is curious about, and what he or she is good at or capable of getting good at. In other words, what makes your child tick? You’ll learn to help your child find his authentic voice.

Your child will maximize their college choices

Applying to lots of prestigious schools willy-nilly will not maximize your child’s choices; it will most likely maximize his rejections! You’ll learn to find colleges that are a good match for your child and selectively apply to them. This process will lead to the most options once decisions come out. The hardest part will be deciding which offer to accept!


"There’s a famous Spanish aphorism from 1647 by Baltasar Gracián that goes, 'Lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno.' It means, 'Good stuff, if short, is twice as good,' and it explains why Stairway to College Heaven... is the first book you should read about the college planning process."
"This book is packed with nuggets of detailed college prep advice, including ideas I wouldn't have thought of."
"I wish this book had been available when we we went through the college process the first time. There was so much information we didn't know - especially about timing and how present your best authentic self."
"This book is straight forward and has a wealth of information... I felt educated and this book gave me a road map on how to proceed and I feel comfortable about helping my daughter navigate this tough process with less stress.